Giving an accessible learning experience for students worldwide. Our expert private tutors will guide you through your learning, supporting you every step of the way. Want to pursue exames with Trinity college, Rock Shool or ABRSM, our tutors are here to support you every step of the way. Our tutors are available to you online or in the comfort of your own home.
Bringing you the latest music and pop culture news and reviews, along with videos, galleries, band features, artist profiles and where to find live music and events in the U.A.E. IT ALSO ALLOWS ARTISTS TO REGISTER THEMSELVES FOR THEIR OWN ARTIST REE OR for venues to list themselves and utilise our extensive events calendar.
Dash Music also operates community markets though its Dash Market place, providing entrupromures and start ups the support they need to develop their business.
Looking to perform in the UAE or are a venue that is looking to increase its footfall and revenue? Dash Talent is here to support artists with opportunities to perform, and to support venues with ideas and events, to deliver the best experience for their venues. From DJ battles, puz quizes, open mics and comedy nights, Dash Talent should be your first call.
Need to practice for those gigs? Or looking to record a demo? maybe you just need to rent some AV or music equipment for a gig, then Dash Studio is your solution. With a state of the art facility and excellent equipment for hire, Dash Studio is here to provide you with what you need.